Saturday, June 5, 2010

PHET effect - on the streets and at the hotel

I sit in the lounge of Regent Plaza, a somewhat known hotel to me, waiting for my room to get ready. My sister has an exam in an hour. It’s pouring madly outside. CFA people didn’t find it in their interest to postpone the paper. Thus after a hurried session of packing my valuables, jamming in the car, and hitting the road at break neck speed, we arrive at Regent.

Now you may be thinking, why did we shift to this hotel, what about the house? Well, the house, after much tear and sweat was sealed against rain water the whole day yesterday, but the seal didn’t match the wrath of the rain. When it started to rain last night, around 2 AM, the house was in waters within an hour. Specially my room. It became a mini pond. Rest of the rooms were relatively dry. Ironic for this to happen to someone who is water phobic?

So well, the whole night was spent awake, with me and my dad manually trying to throw the water out as much as we could and seal the places with cement and plaster. It was useless, as it turned out. The water was one tough opponent, always finding ways to get in. I tried countless strategies of the Need for Speed game, to think of ways how difficult is this challenge, and how difficult the next challenge will be?

And while waiting in the lobby, I meet a student, waiting for her turn to come so she can go in the exam room. She’s scared for her exam, yet she is more scared about how it’s going to be when she comes out, how far will her house be under the waters? I shudder to think the condition of my house right now. Probably a nesting place for fishes?

Now the truth is: I have no idea how it’s going to turn out now. I’m now in the refuge of a hotel, which of course is un-safe in this country, my room is still not ready, and it will take half an hour more. My sister’s paper starts in an hour. God help us all. I don’t want to drown.

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