Friday, June 17, 2011

Rant: Thank you for shit

I am grateful. I am thankful.

But not for blessings I got, but for the troub

le I find myself in. For whatever blessings I got, they could never have helped me be someone I am today, and this quickly. Thus, I shall be a brat and be thankful for those at a later date.

I am thankful for the haters, and more importantly, the lovers for throwing irrational arguments in my face, for throwing shit at me whenever I could do with some support. I am thankful for the millions of times I was made to stand at the end of a

smoking gun, and force me to make horrible decisions in milliseconds. I am thankful for the shit I got from everyone for being who I am.

For, had those hurdles not been in my life, I would not have ended up being this comfortable with my own self, and thinking I am awesome. Yes, I am arrogant about it - humble did not do well for me.

For, had these problems not been thrown in my face, I would have not found the off switch for my brains. The ability to turn my mind off, in situations which were non-pleasurable.

For, had not for these people who were not so nice

, I would have never seen the difference between me and them. The difference of bad from the good. The difference of being influential and from being destructive.

I am happy, for somewhere deep down I had a thirst for pain and agony, and whatever is thrown my way, it ends up just increasing the thirst more and more, to the point where now I am constantly waiting for the next trouble people land me into.

Ernesto Che Guevara said "it’s a sad thing to not ha

ve friends, but its worse when you don't have enemies". And in light of this, I shall just say I am blessed to probably have more enemies than friends.

Thank you world, I mean it.


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