Friday, September 10, 2010

In the memory of my nani...

* i can go on forever talking about my grandma's coolness. I accept this fact even before deciding how i will be writing this piece of blog. There are just a gazillion stories and thoughts swimming around in my mind that i would love to put it out there. But well, I'll just let my keyboard and brain take it from here..

The simplest way of putting whatever happened will have to be: it was a tremendous loss, one which might be just impossible to get over from. She was an angel - a goddess in my life. For the majority of my childhood she, along with my nana, raised me, as they happened to live right opposite my house and my parents used to be off to their work places. My version of kiddy time around my grandparents revolved around getting to use calligraphic pens or learning how to engrave in a piece of cardboard. My memory of bed time stories, narrated to me by my grand ma, involved Baba Bulleh Shah and Quaid-e-Azam, while fictional characters never existed to me for the longest time. Once, she told me - he is smart who reads about others' lives, and learns from their mistakes. Something which I can never forget, something through which I have learnt the most important lessons of my life. But, in short, it was just the best childhood one could ever get, and I'm really blessed to have that, and to know those stand up personalities in person.
I still remember, when I finally started doing something with my life - going places, starting up businesses, doing a shit load of work, every tiny achievement - I would tell her. And she would just sit there, on her favourite seat with her ear piece on, smiling in the most adorable way possible - while saying stuff like "abhi bohut agey jana hai tumhein(you still have a long way to go)". That look of satisfaction made it feel like it was all worth it, and that the world cant do me any harm.
Now, I have no idea how to deal with the loss - but from what i know, shes kicking back in the heavens with nana right now, having a ball, looking down at us beaming with immense pride, thinking Bulleh Shah was a risky venture for bed time stories, but it paid off in the right ways.

Dedicated to the memory of the best grandma.
You're missed nani. No one can fill your seat.
God Bless.

*this blog is merely one of many which will be coming. Abrupt as this may be, it is just a start.

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