Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jungle rule?

So i am struck by a very strange situation - a total void of any human emotions. It has been bugging me since quiet some time, but as i slowly start to write about it, i come to peace with it.
Since a few days, i have stopped feeling any emotions - at least not the good ones, i still feel the happiness of certain things, but generally its in the category of "indifference". Care is something i have forgotten, precaution is to the wind - and to point out something which makes this ironic is: i was always the guy particular about everything, analysing any risk a billion times if i was to embark on something which was generally frowned upon let alone be even remotely illegal. Friends, i hate to admit, are losing worth. I'm told its the arrogance kicking in, its the head fogging up with fucked up ideas. But, i politely refuse - i can think sense at times as well.
The word "friend" is now merely a simpler word for "acquaintance". Old ones - well, they have done their part in screwing my life one way or the other and in the process ensuring i never even think of them once in the future days. I hate to admit now though, i have screwed up - over the years I have become almost completely self sufficient(emotionally/socially, if not financial), being alone isn't a scary thought anymore, on the contrary its quiet appealing now. I have screwed up in the sense that a few years back i was compared to a stone (emotionally) and although I rejected that idea back then, over the time i have some how evolved into one.
"Indifferent" may be the word, but an expression will go something like how a friend neatly summed it up today, unknowing of my inner battle:

"its like an empty jungle man, and you are apparently the king"

ahh well - alot of bull shit has been covered i suppose. "suit up" is the thing to do now i think - Barney Stinson was indeed right, life is pretty awesome this way.

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