Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am often reminded, that babies are one hell of a miracle. I mean, how can something soo tiny make one feel all warm and cute and suddenly all responsible? It is said that one of the best feelings in the world is when a baby is asleep in ur arms, or when a baby holds your finger tightly with both of his hands. Its then when you feel like, whoevers child it may be, you are responsible for his well being, that you should protect him with everything you got, that you should stay standing up in an awkward position, which infact is cramping every single muscle of your body, just so the baby sleeping on your shoulder doesnt wake up. And be it just for a few minutes that you are with a baby, you think. you think of how you can make that childs future life better, that how you can be there for that kid whenever he needs any support. You think of ways to make him the luckiest kid there ever was.
But amongst us, are kids that go un-noticed. be it the ones in sheltering homes, the ones in disfunctional schools, to our house keeping staff, or the beggars on the street. People around those kids may have built castles in their mind, just like us, when they met them, but sadly arent fortunate enough to provide em with that. Or those kids on the streets, whose parents just think o em as another source of income from the second they are born, just so that their hard earned money is snatched and spent on some vice their parents have, for example smoking or drinking or..even drugs. Who, if not their parents, are there to think about their future? People who are well off have settled with the idea that fine, if their parents wont think about them, what can we do to change something which is almost every where and, as far as we think, uncure-able. Or even the ever popular and well abused "flawed system", damn if we had a nickle for every time that happened, we might just be giving loans to the states for a change.
But, there is SOMETHING we can do. something that might just change the "flawed system", something that might just circle around it. And its pretty simple, government schools. there are plenty, always near by from our residence, whereever we live. lets give enough credit to the government that they built an ample amount of schools (no matter how hollow it is). How about, we as a society, contribute to the government. and fine for some would be thinking this is prepostorous, that we pay taxes and that should be enough, to think of this boys audacity to tell us to work for the "governement" and that too for "FREE" after all the taxes THEY PAYED. well, screw you then, if you plan on being this hopeless and retarded, you are no different from the "bad" parents i just told about before.
So continuing, cant we all, just contribute a few hours to the nearest possible schools? the schools go on all day, morning and evening. can we, for a few hours, let the party, that we are supposed to have, wait? can the sheesha gathering wait for a couple of hours? or better still, can the parties just stop for ONE day, so that the cash being saved (which i am estimating to be around an average of 400 bucks per head) to be directed to the donation box of some run-down school? hell we can party any day and any time, but can those kids, whose teachers have ran off because they werent paid, can those kids afford a day of not seeing the slightest chance of an education or a brighter future? what is more important, one day of our party, or those kids entire future? we can take a break, they cant.
My sister is working in a semi-government body which regulates such types of schools, and she reminds me that how run down the schools can be. One of my cousin is enrolled in her schools programme that they have to spend a certain amount of hours in such types of school and teach the kids. She also tells me about things in those schools, that make my spine freeze for a second and just wonder.
And lets be honoest about it, this isnt alot to ask for, is it? a few hours away from a cafe, so that (and i might be delusionally optimistic here) more people can get enough education to open more cafes even? or a few hundred bucks not being spent on sheesha just for a day even,for a handfull of smiles from kids whose future may just have been more possible with that cash? Wont these, as some retardedly "hunks" might say, non fun/non cool stuff, make you feel more good and give you a better sleep at night knowing you played your part, and that you played it well?
Isnt it about time already, that we start giving back? Isnt it time already, that we let these kids feel like they are the luckiest ones alive? Are we ready, to bring about a change?
I rest my case here.