Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Charlie Watts and a demand for respect

A well-known incident happened when Charlie Watts, the drummer of Rolling Stones, clocked Mick Jagger, one of the founding members of Rolling Stones, simply due to disrespect hurled by a drunk/high Jagger. Wikipedia puts it as:"... An intoxicated Jagger phoned Watts' hotel room in the middle of the night asking "Where's my drummer?". Watts reportedly got up, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, descended the stairs, and punched Jagger in the face, saying: "Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my fucking singer!"

This gets me thinking, heres a man who was silent for most part of his life, atleast as compared to the more outspoken members of the band, but carried the aura which demanded respect at the utmost level, while holding his fort no matter what.

Now, apply the same conditions to an ordinary joe's life, atleast in this city/country, who works for an organization through out most of his life. And during his entire work span, he is subjected to various events which targets directly his self-esteem, and the respect that he is entitled to. Forget the pay he gets, or the perks and whatever. But yet, it is passed upon us, and the coming generations, to keep our cool or stay mum about it in the light of "job security" or a "stable life". My question here is HOW can one have a stable life knowing he is not respected for the effort he makes every day just to cope up with the daily bull shit. And whoever has worked in this country, would know and agree, that theres always ALOT of bull shit tied to ones work.

Where is that point where a man dresses up, goes upto his boss, and if not smack the living lights out of him, and say: I put you there, you are not my boss by your choice, I made you MY boss.

Or if anything, where would he draw a line saying well this is it, fuck job security and whatever you may, I demand an apology and I demand the respect I am entitled to.

So is it implied, that job security more important as compared to a person's respect, at the end of the day? Is asking for respect and a fair treatment that tabboo to ask? I wonder..